Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Theater Poster- Arabian Nights

For our Theater Poster assignment we had to create a promotional picture for the play The Arabian Nights, written by Mary Zimmerman. After doing some research on the plot and having a meeting with the director of the play I decided I wanted to be simple with my design.

The colors are cool and relaxing, and the silhouette of the city skyline lends a sense of mystery to the play. Also I like the way I contrasted the information of the play with the elements of the sky and buildings. The hierarchy of information is implied, and I feel as if the viewer could easily read all the important dates and times easily.

I designed the A and N in Illustrator creating a sort of "sword" shape and I am really happy with how the title came out. I also learned about not depending on strokes around my images to help them stand out, the moon and stars for example just have simple gradients holding them off the background. I feel as if my illustration style in this was really developed, and interesting.

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