When researching modern book designs I believe I found out what type of Graphic Design appeals to me. My eye immediately went to the book designs full of color, shape and boldness. I have a strong background in studio art, drawing, painting, illustrating (probably from my lack of ability to draw realistically) therefore my graphic design has always mimicked a fine art approach. I came across this illustrator online, named Helena Lunding.
Her Designs are so simple, but complex in how they interact with the images she illustrates.
The color scheme is bold and eye catching, and I love the font she uses in this design.....
On her website this is what it says about this green book titled "Frontallobs demens":
This is the finalized version of the Book Cover “Frontallobsdemens”. Brainwaves and thoughts slippering out. Painted background gives the rough feeling contrasting to the illustration.
Helena Lundings Design Work was viewed at: